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How do I become a Certified Enrollment Counselor, Navigator, Enrollment Facilitator, or CAC?

Certified Enrollment Counselors, which encompass: Exchange Enrollment Facilitators (EEFs), Navigators, Certified Application Counselors, and In Person Assisters will facilitate enrollment in qualified health plans offered by the Exchange. CECs, Navigators and EEFs are …

Certified Enrollment Counselors, which encompass: Exchange Enrollment Facilitators (EEFs), Navigators, Certified Application Counselors, and In Person Assisters will facilitate enrollment in qualified health plans offered by the Exchange. CECs, Navigators and EEFs are hired by entities that have been awarded grants by the Exchange.

The Exchange releases a Request for Application (RFA) to award Navigator and In Person Assisters in the beginning of each year. If you have interest in becoming a Navigator, you will need to respond to the RFA. If you’d like to become an Enrollment Assister, please contact our current entities HERE. If you have interest in serving as a Certified Enrollment Conselor, you will need to be certified by the Nevada Division of Insurance prior to becoming appointed with the Exchange.

Posted in: Partners