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File an Appeal

If you are unhappy with the complaint resolution or think the eligibility decision about your health insurance coverage is wrong, you have the right to file an appeal with Nevada Health Link.

How to File an Appeal

If you are unhappy with the complaint resolution or think the eligibility decision about your health insurance coverage is wrong, you have the right to file an appeal with Nevada Health Link within 90 days of the date of eligibility determination on eligibility correspondence you receive from Nevada Health Link.

Please note: the 90-day timeline begins on the date of your eligibility determination notice, NOT the date on a complaint response.

You have a right to appeal if you think Nevada Health Link (NVHL) made a mistake about:

  • If you believe you have been incorrectly determined ineligible for Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and/or Cost Share Reductions (CSR)
  • You were found eligible for APTC/CSR, but believe the amount is incorrect
  • You were found ineligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP)
  • You were found ineligible to buy a Marketplace plan
  • Failure by the Exchange to provide timely notice of an eligibility determination

Examples of Invalid Appeals

  • Request for an effective change of date for your coverage, here.
  • Tax liabilities: Please visit or their reconciliation related page, here.
  • Appealing a Medicaid determination by the Nevada Department of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS). Please contact DWSS, here.
  • A dispute related to carrier billing: Please contact your carrier. Carrier contact information can be found here.
  • For general enrollment assistance, please visit here.


You have ninety (90) days from the date on your Eligibility Notice to file an appeal. The date of the postmark on your appeal envelope or the date your email is received is considered the date you filed your appeal.

Your Eligibility Notice explains whether you qualify for financial assistance to purchase insurance on Nevada Health Link. Depending on your eligibility results, you may appeal.

To mail in your appeal request please print and fill out the Nevada Health Link Appeal form (Keep a copy of your reference).

  • Mail to:
    Nevada Health Link
    Appeals Department
    2310 S. Carson Street, Suite 2
    Carson City, NV 89701
  • To file an appeal over the phone call:
    Nevada Health Link Call Center
  • Or fill out the online form below.

Do you need assistance completing this appeals request?

You can choose an authorized representative.

You can give a trusted person permission to communicate about this appeal with us, see your information, and act for you on matters related to this appeal, including getting information about your appeal and signing your appeal on your behalf. This person is called an “authorized representative.” If you do not already have an authorized representative, you can print the form below and submit with your supporting documentation.

Requesting an Expedited Appeal

In the event that a standard appeal could jeopardize an applicant’s life, health, or ability to attain, maintain, or regain maximum function you may request an expedited appeal. While completing the form below in the explain the reason for your appeal section please explicitly request an expedited appeal with a brief explanation as to how you meet the criteria for one.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Your explanation should state the reason for your appeal, including relevant dates and account history. List any actions or communications you attempted to resolve your request prior to the appeal. Please provide additional documentation such as notices received. If your appeal request affects or impacts other members of your household, note their names and how they are impacted here.
    You must explain how your life, health, and/or normal functioning are in immediate jeopardy in order for this to be considered for expedition.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, pdf, png, Max. file size: 100 MB.
      You may submit additional information to support your appeal. Information you submit will be reviewed along with the information you submitted previously. You may submit additional information in advance of your appeal hearing by attaching and returning it with this form or by mailing it separately to: Nevada Health Link Attn: Appeals 2310 S. Carson St. Suite. 2 Carson City, NV 89701 If you mail additional information separately, include the complete contact information of Claimant (as it appears on this form), including name, date of birth, phone number, email address (optional), and address. Additional information may also be submitted at the time of the appeal hearing.
    • The information in this section applies to all people signing above, including the Claimant. I further understand that by completing, signing, and dating below, I authorize Nevada Health Link to disclose information collected based on my application and from other data sources that may have been used to make the eligibility determination. I understand that this information may be disclosed for use during the appeals process. The authorization is valid until the appeal is concluded or I notify Nevada Health Link otherwise. I understand by completing, signing, and dating above, I authorize Nevada Health Link to disclose information in my eligibility record, based on the application I filled out, and from other data sources that may have been used to make the eligibility determination, to my authorized representative and other household members whose signatures are provided below. I understand I may request a copy of my eligibility record during the appeals process. The authorization is valid until the appeal is concluded or I notify you otherwise. I am signing this form under penalty of perjury, which means I have provided true answers to all the questions I have answered to the best of my knowledge. I know that I may be subject to penalties under state and federal law if I provide false information. I understand that I am not required to complete this form. I am voluntarily completing it to file an appeal request to Nevada Health Link. I understand that I am the primary contact for purposes of appealing these eligibility determinations.
    • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY

    If you believe you have been incorrectly determined ineligible for Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and/or Cost Share Reductions (CSR)If you believe you have been incorrectly determined ineligible for Advanced Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and/or Cost Share Reductions (CSR)

    Please note: You may file a complaint with Nevada Health Link (NVHL) if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your experience working with NVHL concerning eligibility, enrollment, carrier service, enrollment assisters, agents/brokers or the call center. Learn more here:

    Notice of Privacy Practices

    Nevada Health Link is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of personally identifiable information. Nevada Health Link will use personally identifiable information only as permitted by Nevada Health Link’s policies and as required by law.

    More information about Nevada Health Link’s privacy and security practices and your rights is available on Nevada Health Link’s website at Nevada Health Link’s Privacy Policy

    If you need help understanding this form in another language, or if you are disabled and need help to use this form, please contact Nevada Health Link. There is no cost for assistance.

    Note: will be processing requests for exemptions.  For more information please visit


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