

Benefits of Leaning on a Broker or Navigator to Find Health Insurance in Nevada

Working with a certified broker or navigator through can be valuable to your health insurance search, as our team contains a statewide network of licensed enrollment professionals who have...
Dec 20, 2022

Need help with logging in or completing your application? We’ve got your back!

Whether you’re new to Nevada Health Link or have been with us a long time, it’s normal to feel scrambled during the Open Enrollment Period as there are many steps...
Dec 13, 2022

Use these 4 tactics to dodge health insurance scams

Most of us have fallen victim to a scam at one point or another. With the Open Enrollment Period happening now through January 15, 2023, it positions many Nevadans searching...
Nov 30, 2022

Take these steps to get affordable coverage with Nevada Health Link

The word about the Open Enrollment Period has spread like wildfire and with Nevada Health Link, Nevadans have a total of 163 Qualified Health Plans to choose from (number of...
Nov 22, 2022

Nevada Health Link launches first episode of LIVE series, featuring The Center 

October is National LGBT History Month and due to that Las Vegas celebrates Pride throughout the month. As visitors and locals alike come together to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, Nevada...
Oct 28, 2022

Nevada Health Link is the only place where nearly 90 percent of Nevadans are saving on health insurance – Here’s how

More than 101,000 Nevadans secured health insurance during a record-breaking Open Enrollment Period last year. This month, new plan options and rates are now available from Nevada Health Link. Take...
Oct 14, 2022
Hispanic Family

Hispanic Heritage Month: Overcoming health disparities among the Hispanic population

¡Salud amigos y familia!  In Spanish, this can be read as “Cheers to friends and family!”, but the word salud also literally translates as “health,” and is often used in...
Sep 26, 2022
Group of people talking

National Recovery Month: When to seek help for a loved one

More than 20 million Americans are recovering from a substance use disorder and studies say one-third of people who seek treatment for alcohol problems either recover or substantially reduce drinking...
Sep 07, 2022

It’s National Immunization Awareness Month: Get ahead on required and recommended vaccines

Back-to-school always revs up in August, but it also coincides with the change in seasons that can bring on colds and viruses. That’s why every child in Nevada is required...
Aug 18, 2022

Fight flu season and COVID with these 4 back-to-school health tips

In Nevada, most school districts are already back in session, or are resuming in the following weeks.
Aug 12, 2022