What’s Good For You

Real facts and doable steps for a healthy and fulfilling life

Diverse Plans for Diverse People

The one thing you can be sure will never change is the fact that things will always change. Life has a way of surprising us in ways that are impossible...
Sep 14, 2016

Four Ways to Drink More Water & Stay Healthy

Considering nearly 60% of your body is water, staying hydrated is a no-brainer. In fact water is essential to the normal functioning of all parts of your body. Water is...
Sep 09, 2016

Four Incredibly Useful Diabetic Resources for Nevadans

Diabetes is a serious problem affecting Nevadans all across the state. Without proper treatment, diabetes can lead to many other complications including heart disease, eye complications, kidney disease, nerve damage...
Sep 08, 2016

Five Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor Sooner Rather Than Later

Dealing with your health is much easier to do when you’re healthy. By watching for any changes in your body and preemptively seeking health advice, you can strive to maintain...
Sep 07, 2016

10 Simple Steps to Save Big on Your Health Insurance Premiums

Healthcare costs can be a big budget item for many families; as much as 6% of their annual income, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Purchasing health insurance is...
Aug 24, 2016

The Health Plans Nevadans Should Trust

The Health Plans Nevadans Should Trust There are a lot of things to procrastinate about such as rotating the tires, cleaning out the refrigerator, or staining the deck.  Just last...
Aug 19, 2016

Six Nevada Trails and Parks You Don’t Want to Miss

Staying active over the summer months is an excellent way to either improve or maintain your health. With so many beautiful options all across Nevada, adventure is never far away....
Aug 15, 2016

Back to School Nutrition—Lunch and Snack Ideas Your Kids Will Eat

Another summer is in the books with kids rushing around the house frantically getting ready so they don’t miss the school bus. Rushing to get the bus usually means they...
Jul 26, 2016

10 Affordable Superfoods to Add to Your Diet

It seems food pricing knows no ceiling, increasing every year. Higher prices present many individuals and families with the dilemma of balancing a grocery budget with nutrition. A great thing...
Jul 26, 2016

7 Benefits of Exercising

Did you know? It is estimated that over 80 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended amount of exercise each week, setting themselves up for years of health problems...
Jul 26, 2016