What’s Good For You

Real facts and doable steps for a healthy and fulfilling life

Reduce the Risk of Obesity

Worldwide, an estimated 1.9 billion adults and 380 million children are overweight or obese. More people are dying from being overweight than underweight, according to the World Health Organization. How...
Mar 15, 2020

Keep Your Child Healthy With an Annual Checkup

If you’ve ever sought advice from a seasoned parent, they’ll be quick to tell you that every child is different. We’re not talking just about personality traits and food preferences,...
Feb 25, 2020

Taking Care of Your Ticker

Taking care of your heart is the best gift you can give to yourself and your sweetheart, and what better time to learn how to do that than American Health...
Feb 14, 2020

Getting Help for Addiction

1 in 10 Americans are affected by addiction. Both street drugs and prescription drugs have the ability to create a chronic, relapsing brain disorder accompanied by psychological and physical dependence. ...
Jan 24, 2020

What to Know About Special Enrollment Period

Outside of the open enrollment period, Nevada Health Link is still here to help you through the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Enrolling in insurance can be confusing, but if you’ve...
Jan 15, 2020

Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth

Enrolling in a Qualified Dental Plan in Nevada is the first step towards good dental health. After that, maintaining healthy teeth and gums are the best way to avoid costly...
Dec 26, 2019
health insurance

Which Health Plan Is Best For You?

  Shopping for health insurance can feel overwhelming. There are a lot of options out there, and you may face the decision between a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) and a...
Nov 05, 2019
Shop for Health Insurance before Open Enrollment begins Nov.1

Shop for Health Insurance before Open Enrollment begins Nov. 1

There’s nothing like the peace of mind that comes from affordable health coverage. And now Nevadans can prepare for open enrollment and find a health plan that fits their needs....
Oct 01, 2019
Managing Diabetes in Nevada with Access to Healthcare Network

Managing Diabetes in Nevada with Access to Healthcare Network

Diabetes can be a scary diagnosis. When left untreated, it can lead to other health complications including heart disease, kidney damage, as well as, risk of stroke and even nerve...
Sep 23, 2019

September Is Recovery Month

At any given moment, Nevadans across the state are struggling to recover from mental or substance use disorders. Now in its 30th year, Recovery Month is used to increase awareness...
Sep 09, 2019