Regular Checkups

What to Know About Special Enrollment Period

Outside of the open enrollment period, Nevada Health Link is still here to help you through the Special Enrollment Period (SEP). Enrolling in insurance can be confusing, but if you’ve...
Jan 15, 2020

Tips for Taking Care of Your Teeth

Enrolling in a Qualified Dental Plan in Nevada is the first step towards good dental health. After that, maintaining healthy teeth and gums are the best way to avoid costly...
Dec 26, 2019
Image of a doctor holding the MRI results of a brain scan

American Stroke Awareness Month

May is “American Stroke Awareness Month.” Although Nevada’s stroke prevalence is slightly lower than the US median, it’s still important that we all understand how to recognize the signs of...
May 23, 2018
Female Doctor Meeting With Patient In Exam Room - Primary Healthcare Provider

Top Medical Appointments for Women in Nevada

Ladies, when was the last time you saw your primary care physician? If you’re one of the 84 percent of Nevadan women who has a health care provider, are you...
Mar 14, 2018
Male patient visiting doctor's office - Affordable Health Insurance

Top Medical Appointments for Men in Nevada

Guys, when was the last time you saw your primary care physician? If you’re one of the 71 percent of Nevada men who has a health care provider, are you...
Mar 14, 2018

August is Children’s Eye Health Safety Month

August is Children’s Eye Health Safety Month, which means it’s time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam for your children. As a part of the ten essential health benefits, eye...
Aug 08, 2017

Doctor Visits: Why They Are Vital

When you were little, you likely didn’t have to worry about annual checkup appointments with your doctor because your parents were the ones making them. Unfortunately, as you get older,...
Mar 27, 2017