For more FAQs visit
About Nevada Health Link
How does Nevada Health Link work? Is this Obamacare?
Is Nevada Health Link
Who can use Nevada Health Link?
Why should I buy insurance through
What are federal tax subsidies or premium tax credits?
Are you able to enroll in government insurance programs through Nevada Health Link?
Are you able to enroll in non-insurance government programs through Nevada Health Link?
Can I buy a Qualified Health Plan (QHP) outside of Nevada Health Link?
Does Nevada Health Link offer SHOP?
Is there a direct line for agents/brokers and enrollment professionals?
How do I become a Certified Enrollment Counselor, Navigator, Enrollment Facilitator, or CAC?
What if I need help or can’t enroll online on my own?
What happens if I miss the open enrollment deadline?
What if I qualify for a public health insurance program like Medicaid?
What is considered annual household income?
Can my family or I still get financial assistance if I have insurance through my employer?
When should I consider short-term health insurance?
Does short term health insurance provide coverage for preexisting conditions?
Can I get a tax subsidy to help pay for my short term health insurance plan?
What do military veterans need to know?
What are the Special Provisions for Native Americans?
What American Indian and Alaska Native income do I include on my application?
Will I need my tribal documents when applying for coverage?
I forgot my username and/or password and am unable to access my account.