Frequently Asked Questions

State Based Exchange Transition

Is there a direct line for agents/brokers and enrollment professionals?

Yes, we have a Broker Support line. Call 1-800-547-8156, Monday through Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm PST

Will Agents/Brokers and EEFs be able to assist consumers by phone similar to how they can through web-brokers?

This question could have multiple answers depending on the intent, but in best trying to answer this we wanted to point out that consumers can access their accounts and applications via the web portal, and agents can access the accounts and applications of their clients via the web portal. What is not available (and currently not supported by any state based exchange (SBM) is the ability for web brokers to build their own front-end experiences using web service APIs made available by the Exchange.

Will Agents/Brokers be able to enroll consumers in a plan with a carrier for which they are not appointed?

Yes, Agents/Brokers will be able to enroll consumers in a plan with any carrier selling qualified health plans (QHPs) and stand alone dental plans (SADP) on the GetInsured system.

Get Help Enrolling

Find free trained and certified enrollment professionals who can assist you with the enrollment process.
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Self Enrollment

Enrollment for 2025 health insurance place will take place on this site from Nov. 1 – Jan. 15.
Enroll Now

Manage your Current Plan

Sign in on to view existing plan.