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Why do I need health insurance coverage if I get services from the Indian Health Service, a tribal program, or an urban Indian health program?

By enrolling in health coverage through the Marketplace, Medicaid, or CHIP, you have better access to services that the Indian Health Service, tribal programs, or urban Indian programs (known as I/T/Us) may not …

By enrolling in health coverage through the Marketplace, Medicaid, or CHIP, you have better access to services that the Indian Health Service, tribal programs, or urban Indian programs (known as I/T/Us) may not provide.

If you enroll in a Marketplace health plan, Medicaid, or CHIP, you can keep getting services from your I/T/U the same way you do now. When you get services from an I/T/U, the I/T/U can bill your insurance program. This benefits the tribal community, allowing I/T/Us to provide more services to others.

Posted in: Individuals