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Four Ways to Get the Most Out of Your New Health Insurance Coverage

Feb 21, 2023

If you were one of the tens of thousands of Nevadans who signed up for health insurance through Nevada Health Link during open enrollment, congratulations!

Health insurance unlocks so many new health benefits that you may not be exactly sure where to start. Whether you are brand new to health insurance, or a returning Nevada Health Link enrollee, here are four ways you can start getting the most out of your health coverage right away. Contact your carrier to see what your plan offers!

Focus on Prevention

Regular screenings are one critical way to stay on top of your health and catch any health issues before they become bigger problems. Screenings and other preventive health measures are covered by the qualified health plans offered through Nevada Health Link.

Don’t fall behind on important health screenings and immunizations. These are your first lines of defense against avoidable health issues and your ticket to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Want to know which screenings you should be receiving at what age? The American Cancer Society has a helpful screening guideline tool that can guide you.

Dial Your Doctor

A doctor’s visit doesn’t always fit into the busy daily lives of Nevadans. Luckily, telehealth options allow you to consult with a medical professional from the comforts of your home. Whether it is a mild sickness, a checkup, or a quick consultation, you will find these telehealth services covered by Nevada Health Link’s qualified health plans.

If you haven’t checked in on telehealth in a while, it is important to note that this area of healthcare has grown tremendously over the past three years. McKinsey data pegs telehealth usage at 38 times higher now than before the pandemic.  McKinsey’s report also estimates that 84 percent of physicians are offering telehealth services. So, take advantage of this widely available, and convenient, form of medical care.

Prescribed Savings

One of the immediate benefits of health insurance is prescription drug coverage. All the qualified health plans offered through Nevada Health Link include prescription drug coverage. So, if you are filling regular, or even occasional, prescriptions, make sure to take advantage of this benefit as soon as your coverage kicks in.

Two things to know about your prescription drug coverage.

At least one medication for each category and classification of federally approved drugs must be covered under your health insurance. And any out-of-pocket drug expenses under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) count toward your deductible.

Prescription costs add up quickly so put your health insurance plan to work right away lowering your prescriptions costs.

Mental Health and Rehabilitation

Mental health services have been in high demand over the past three years. The American Psychological Association reports that 8 out of 10 psychologists are seeing an increase in anxiety disorders and 66 percent are seeing a rise in treatment for depression.

While some of the mental health trends are concerning, the good news is that now more than ever people are seeking out mental health services. Mental health coverage is a key piece of your insurance coverage, and you can rely on your insurance to help if you seek out a consultation with a psychologist or mental health professional. Your health insurance also covers substance abuse diagnosis and treatment.

Rehabilitation from injury is another key piece of coverage that can get you back healthy, active, and productive. If you experience an injury, make sure to seek out this key benefit.

Learn more about all 10 Essential Health Benefits.