Ladies, when was the last time you saw your primary care physician? If you’re one of the 84 percent of Nevadan women who has a health care provider, are you seeing them as often as you should? Regardless if you are in perfect health or recovering from an ailment, there are a few doctor’s appointments that you need to stay on top of when it comes to your health. This year, make sure that you utilize your health insurance and by scheduling these top medical appointments for women this year.
Annual Exam
Since you no longer need a referral from a primary care physician to see a gynecologist, make sure you are staying on top of your annual exam visits. Because at least one medication for each category of federally-approved drugs must be covered under your health insurance, double check with your provider that your birth control is covered. You may find a cheaper alternative through generic prescriptions.
Depression Screening
Millions of Americans struggle with their mental health. Inpatient and outpatient care to evaluate, diagnose or treat a mental health disorder or substance abuse has applicable coverage. Examples include behavioral health treatment, counseling and psychotherapy. Your health insurance may limit the coverage to a specific amount of days per year, but talk to your primary care doctor if you are concerned about depression.
Blood Glucose Test
One in three Americans has prediabetes and 90 percent of those people don’t realize it. Diet and genetics play a huge role in Type 2 diabetes, so have your primary care doctor administer a blood glucose test if you are concerned about developing Type 2 diabetes.
Even if you don’t have any risk factors for colon cancer, you should schedule a colonoscopy if you are 50 or older. Colonoscopies can detect colon polyps and cancer, so they are imperative to have at least once every five years.
If you are 45, you should receive a mammogram every year until you turn 54. After then, its recommended to receive a mammogram once every two years. Thanks to your essential health benefits, mammograms are often free of cost. To find a mammogram screening center near you, visit the Nevada Cancer Coalition website.
Maternity and Newborn Checkup
Services that women receive throughout their pregnancy, delivery and post-delivery are covered, including care for newborn babies. Make sure you utilize your essential health benefits if you are expecting or recently gave birth.
With the essential health benefits in your health insurance plan, make sure to set these top medical appointments for women. If you currently do not have health insurance, discover whether you are eligible for a special enrollment period. Certain qualifying life events (QLE) may make you eligible for a special enrollment period. QLE’s are life-changing events such as job loss, income change, marriage/divorce and birth/adoption of a child to name a few
Nevada Health Link is here to answer any of your questions. Email us at CustomerserviceNVHL@exchange.nv.gov.
The material in this blog is not intended to provide medical or legal advice. Always consult with your insurance company or applicable professional regarding care coverage before scheduling an appointment.