Eating a balanced diet with healthy choices from every major group is important for your health. The saying “you are what you eat “ holds true in many ways so make sure you are eating all the essentials for a healthy diet. If you maintain a diet that includes all the vitamins and minerals your body needs, your mental and physical health will reflect that. What goes into your body everyday determines how well your body will function. For example, if you eat healthy foods, you will feel focused and energized. If you eat unhealthy food, however, you will likely feel fatigued and distracted.
In an instant, you can go online and get a full breakdown of every vitamin and mineral your body needs. The problem is, even with this information at the tip of your fingers, you’ll still fall short in getting the amounts you need.
Luckily, in order to ensure you are getting everything you need for a healthy diet, you don’t have to completely change what you are already doing. To be successful, start by planning a healthy diet with small, manageable changes. For example, try adding a fruit or vegetable to your meal instead of a carbohydrate. Once you get used to your smaller changes and they become habit, you can begin adding other healthy changes. Some other things you might try could include:
Preparing your own meals – Although you can order healthy food if you go out, you’re more in control if you make meals at home and are able to monitor every ingredient that goes into the meal.
Limiting liquid sugars – Liquid sugars are found in drinks such as soda, iced tea and sweetened waters. These drinks have no health benefits and should be excluded from your diet.
Eating more fiber – Good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts.
Making sure your alternatives are healthier – Swapping out donuts for fruit is obviously a healthy change. Switching out fattening foods for slightly less fattening foods however, is not a healthy change. If you are going to make a change, you want it to make a difference and not just save a few calories.
Focusing on the labels – Even if foods claim to be healthy on the front of the package, flip it over and read what is actually inside. Often times, food claiming to be healthy hide large amounts of sugars, unhealthy fats and chemically processed ingredients.
Drinking more water – There are many benefits of drinking water that can improve your health and diet choices. In fact, many people often mistake thirst for hunger, so staying hydrated will help you make healthier diet choices and prevent you from over snacking.
Being mindful of what you eat can help you eat less and even enjoy healthy food more. Experimenting with new recipes, and eating more fruits and vegetables will help you better understand what you like and don’t like. Remember that everything you put into your body, your body uses regardless if it is healthy or unhealthy. Making a habit to put only healthy food in your body will make you feel better and lower your risk of many diseases.
Along with eating healthy, see your doctor regularly for annual exams to help prevent illness. If you currently don’t have health insurance, Nevada Health Link is here to help. As part of a Qualifying Life Event (QLE), you may be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP). In other words, certain life events or situations, such as job loss, income change, marriage/divorce or birth/adoption of a child, may allow you to enroll in an insurance plan through Nevada Health Link outside of the annual open enrollment period.
All of our health plans exist to reduce the costs of health insurance and make sure you are covered. We’re always to help, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.