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National Childhood Obesity Month

Aug 28, 2018
Approximately one in five children in the United States are obese. And, unfortunately, Nevada’s childhood obesity rate is slightly worse than the national average. Childhood obesity can lead to many health problems throughout an individual life. However, it’s never too late to make changes. September is National Childhood Obesity Month. As educators, parents, neighbors and friends work together, they can combat childhood obesity by creating opportunities for children to be healthy.  

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One of the best ways to help children eat healthier is providing more nutritious snack and lunch options. Instead of sugar and fat-filled treats, provide more fruits and vegetables. Find out what produce is currently in season in Nevada for the freshest options.

Amidst busy schedules and budgets, try to prepare food at home as much as possible because it is cheaper and healthier. Involve kids in planning, shopping for and preparing meals. Encourage kids to come up with nutritious meals they enjoy, find new fruits and vegetables they’ve never tried before or discover favorite healthy foods. Sometimes healthy foods seem more expensive and therefore unattainable on a budget. However, it is possible and we’ve already compiled some ways to stay healthy on a budget.


One simple change we can all make to be healthier is to drink more water. There are many reasons to drink more water, including calorie control, headache prevention and digestion. Start by replacing sugary juices, sodas and other drinks with water. One way to help children get excited to drink water is to let them choose their own fun, reusable water bottle (this is better for the environment and budget than individual plastic water bottles).  

Physical Activity

Childhood obesity can also be combated by helping kids stay active. Children should be active for at least 60 minutes a day. Young kids don’t need a strict workout regimen, instead they just need age-appropriate activities that get them moving.. These activities should include aerobic, muscle strengthening and bone strengthening activity. On an average day, a child can walk to school, then run around and play tag at recess for aerobic and bone strengthening activity. Later they may play on monkey bars and other gymnastic equipment which strengthens their muscles. After school, jumping rope, running and playing hopscotch will strengthen bones. There are many ways for children to stay active. For children who are hesitant to go outside and run around, help them find other ways to stay active. They may enjoy rollerblading, dancing, walking the dog or playing games such as capture the flag.

Set an Example

Perhaps the best way adults can help children stay active and healthy is to be a role model. Set an example by living a healthy lifestyle. Eat healthy meals and snacks. Get the right amount of physical activity every day. Show that living a healthy lifestyle is enjoyable.


If you are worried about a child, check out the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s BMI Calculator to screen children for potential weight issues. Remember, every small lifestyle change, such as exchanging chips for apples or a half-hour of dancing instead of watching TV, can make a big difference. If you need additional help to eat healthier, Nevada Health Link’s qualified health plans cover Nutritionists.

If you currently don’t have health insurance, it’s time to get it. Certain qualifying life events (QLE) may make you eligible for a special enrollment period. QLE’s are life-changing events such as job loss, income change, marriage/divorce and birth/adoption of a child to name a few. Nevada Health Link can connect contact a certified broker or navigator to see if you qualify for special enrollment.

Email us at for any additional questions you may have concerning affordable health insurance and start your enrollment process today.