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Medicaid Information

Need to apply for Medicaid? Visit Access Nevada.

Nevada Health Link uses an Account Transfer process. This means that once you fill out an application using, you’ll find out if you’re eligible for Nevada Health Link or Medicaid. If you are eligible for Medicaid, we will send them your application.

What is Nevada Medicaid?

Nevada Medicaid is a state and federally funded program that provides health insurance to eligible low-income individuals and families in Nevada. It is part of the broader Medicaid program, which is available across the United States, but each state manages its own version with different eligibility rules, benefits, and procedures.

Eligibility for Nevada Medicaid is based on income, household size, age, disability status, and other factors. The program serves different groups, such as children, pregnant women, elderly adults, individuals with disabilities, and low-income adults.

Access Nevada

What is Nevada Check Up?

Nevada Check Up is the State of Nevada’s Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Depending on your income, your children (birth through 18 years of age) may qualify for coverage through Nevada Check Up. If you qualify, you will be required to pay a quarterly premium based upon your family size and income, but won’t be responsible for things like co-payments and deductibles.

In Nevada, children living in households with an annual income of up to 200% of the federal poverty level may qualify for coverage through Nevada Check Up. This is $50,200 for a family of four.

Nevada Check Up

Recently lost Medicaid in Nevada, now what?

You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period to get enrolled in a Qualified Health Plan through Nevada Health Link!

If you had Medicaid coverage and lost it, or will lose it soon, you should contact Nevada Health Link or an Certified Enrollment Counselor or Broker/Agent in Nevada and see if you’re eligible to enroll in coverage through a special enrollment period. If you know you will lose coverage, you can enroll in a qualified health plan up to 60 days prior to your loss of coverage, with a coverage start date based on your loss of coverage. This will allow you to avoid a gap in coverage dates.

How to Enroll

Contact information

Customer Assistance Service line: 1-800-547-2927 (TTY 711)

Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST



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