Special Enrollment Period
New address? New baby? In between jobs? Nevada Health Link has you covered. Changes like these and others, may qualify you for insurance enrollment at Nevada Health Link even though Open Enrollment has ended.
Nevadans who have experienced life changes can make adjustments to their health insurance or enroll in a new plan through Nevada Health Link at any time throughout the year.
This is known as a Special Enrollment Period.
See if you qualify.
What are the Qualifying Life Events for a
Special Enrollment Period?

Birth or Adoption
New baby? If your household is changing size, you might be eligible for an SEP.

Loss of Health Coverage
Loss of coverage? Losing your current health coverage, including: Employer, COBRA, Medicaid and Medicare may qualify you for an SEP.

Change in Income or Job Change
In between jobs? If you’ve lost your coverage due to an employment change or if you’re starting a new job, you may qualify for an SEP.

Gaining U.S. Legal Status
Change of status? Becoming a U.S. citizen, gaining membership in a federally recognized tribe, leaving jail or prison or starting or ending AmeriCorps service may qualify you for an SEP.

Getting Married or Divorced
Tying the knot? A change in marital status may qualify you for an SEP. However, a divorce or loss of a family member without any resulting change in coverage would not qualify you for an SEP.

New address? An unexpected relocation may qualify you for an SEP, but moving for reasons like vacations will not.

Turning 26
Turning 26? That means you might be losing coverage through your parent’s plan, but you may qualify for an SEP.
Individual & Family Scenarios
Learn about real life scenarios in Nevada and how much insurance may cost.