Important Tax Information:
Nevada Health Link recommends all Nevadans seek help from a licensed tax professional while preparing their federal income tax filings. If you have enrolled in health coverage through Nevada Health Link and would like information regarding your taxes or have any questions, follow the links directly.
IRS Resources
Filing an Exemption through the Marketplace:
Since the 2019 plan year, for 2020 tax filings and beyond, the penalty for not having health insurance was reduced to $0. Tax filers will no longer need to file an exemption to avoid a tax penalty for lack of health insurance.
2014 Tax Information
If you purchased coverage through Nevada Health Link for Plan Year 2014 please read this important information on filing your Tax Return.
More Resources
Contact information
Find important numbers to the call center that will help with technical assistance and the enrollment process. You will also find important contact numbers for Medicaid, Nevada Division of Insurance and the Secretary of State’s Office.
Customer Assistance Service line: 1-800-547-2927 (TTY 711)
Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM