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Special Enrollment Period (SEP)

Did you miss the opportunity to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan through Nevada Health Link? You may be able to qualify for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP).

Special Enrollment Period

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Special Enrollment Periods (SEP)

Special Enrollment Periods (SEP) allow for health insurance coverage enrollment any time during the year. Did you miss the opportunity to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan through Nevada Health Link? Although the deadline to enroll in coverage ended on Jan. 15th, you or a loved one may be eligible to enroll now if you report a life or income change.

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When Your Life Changes, Your Health Coverage Could Too

Once you sign up for coverage through Nevada Health Link, you must report any life and income changes. This will ensure you continue to receive the correct coverage and savings for you and your family.

  • If your income goes up or you lose a member of your household, you may qualify for less savings than you’re getting now. If you don’t report these changes, you could wind up having to pay back the difference when you file your federal tax return for the coverage year.
  • If you were enrolled in health insurance coverage outside of Nevada Health Link (“off Exchange”) and your income has decreased making you newly eligible for advanced premium tax credits. You may qualify for a special enrollment period (SEP) to enroll in lower cost health insurance through Nevada Health Link.
  • If your income goes down or you gain a household member, you could qualify for more savings than you’re getting now. This could reduce the amount you pay in monthly premiums. You could also qualify for Medicaid or Nevada Check-Up/CHIP coverage.

Qualifying Life Events:

Note for ALL QUALIFYING LIFE EVENTS: Special Enrollment Period do NOT include loss of coverage because you didn’t pay your premiums or if your coverage was taken away because of fraud or intentional misrepresentation. You may report a loss of qualifying health coverage up to 60 days before the loss of coverage.

See FAQ on how to submit documents for SEP

Read FAQ if you were denied Medicaid or NV Check Up outside of OEP or after you applied during OEP.

Moving only for medical treatment or staying somewhere for vacation does not qualify you for a SEP. You qualify for SEP only if you had qualifying health coverage for one or more days in the 60 days prior to your move. This does not apply if:

  • You were living in a foreign country or a U.S. territory for one or more days in the 60 days prior to the move.
  • You are a member of a federally recognized tribe or a shareholder in an Alaska Native Corporation.
  • You lived for one or more days during the 60 days before your move or during your most recent enrollment period in a service area where you couldn’t get qualifying coverage through Nevada Health Link.

Important: You must confirm you had qualifying health coverage for one or more days during the 60 days before your move by possibly having to submit documentation.

Important: When you apply, you must attest that the information you provide on the application is true, including the facts that qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.

For more information visit the FAQs on Special Enrollment Periods.

Prevailing on an Appeal

You believe you received an incorrect eligibility determination or an incorrect coverage effective date and file an appeal with the Exchange. If the ruling goes in your favor, you’ll be given the option to enroll in or change plans either retroactively or prospectively.

When to Report Changes:

You should report these changes as soon after the change occurs as possible.

If these changes qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period to change plans, in most cases you may have up to 60 days from the life event to enroll in new coverage. If the changes qualify you for more or less savings, it’s important to make adjustments as soon as possible.

How to Report Changes

  • See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to a life event like the life changes listed above and contact Nevada Health Link as soon as possible.
  • Contact Nevada Health Link by calling: 1-800-547-2927; email us at:
  • Important: Do not report these changes by mail.
  • If you become eligible for a plan change mid-year due to a life event change be sure to consider the impact that variations in the new plan will have.
  • Learn more about changing plans and how to report life changes for SEP by visiting our FAQ page

Steps to report changes in your Nevada Health Link account online: 

  1. Log into your Nevada Health Link account and click “Edit Application.”
  2. The life change must be within 60 days of the current date to gain coverage during a Special Enrollment Period.
  3. Follow instructions on the screen to complete the application process. At the end of the application, you will click “Confirm Event and Finalize Plans.”Some qualifying life events will require you to submit documentation. If this is the case, you’ll receive a notification in your secure inbox.
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Self Enrollment

Open enrollment begins November 1 and ends January 15. Outside of Open Enrollment you may be able to enroll through a Special Enrollment Period.
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